Friday, March 20, 2009

Pope: Condoms aren’t solution to AIDS; they make it worse


FROM CNN’s Jack Cafferty:

It’s time for the Catholic Church to enter the 21st century; or at least try to drag itself out of the 13th. On his first trip to Africa, Pope Benedict XVI said condoms are not a solution to the AIDS epidemic; rather, they make it worse.

Pope Benedict XVI believes condoms hinder the AIDS crisis.

In his first public comments on condom use, the pope told reporters that AIDS “is a tragedy that cannot be overcome by money alone, and that cannot be overcome through the distribution of condoms, which even aggravates the problems.” Huh?

Since becoming pope four years ago, Benedict has stressed that the church is on the front lines of the battle against AIDS; with the Vatican encouraging sexual abstinence as the way to stop the disease from spreading.

Obviously that message hasn’t delivered the desired results in Africa where parts of the continent have been ravaged by AIDS. Not to mention right here in our nation’s capital: a new report shows three percent of Washington D.C.’s residents have HIV or AIDS. That translates to almost 3,000 people for every 100,000 population. That figure represents a “severe epidemic.” One health official says Washington’s rates are higher than parts of West Africa — and “on par with Uganda and some parts of Kenya.”


  1. Holy smokes! What is he smoking?

  2. he gave no reason for saying why condoms make the case worse .
